
Quick List: | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 and before |
Total JNL: 28, LET: 4, CNF: 54, BCH: 2, Books: 2, since 2015.

Open Source Contributions:



    1. [ JNL2024-Tlab.001 ] Tapir Lab., “A Unified Geometric Proof of Aristarchus Inequality,” Mathematics Magazine, 97(3), 293–299, April 2024, DOI: 10.1080/0025570X.2024.2340398.
      Serhan Yarkan, Ali Boyaci. A Unified Geometric Proof of Aristarchus’ Inequality. Mathematics Magazine, 97(3): 293-299, April, 2024.
      @article{serhan yarkan 2024unified,
        title={A Unified Geometric Proof of Aristarchus’ Inequality},
        author={Serhan Yarkan and Ali Boyaci},
        journal={Mathematics Magazine},


    1. [ CNF2024-Tlab.002 ] Mert Bekir Atsever, Ali Boyacı, Serhan Yarkan, Hakan Hocaoglu, “Onsite Partial Discharge Detection and Location System for Underground Cables Using USRP-Based Measurement System,” in Proc. IEEE Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference 2024 (IEEE GPECOM 2024), June 4-7, 2024, Budapest, Hungary (to appear)
    2. [ CNF2024-Tlab.001 ] Tapir Lab. et al., “An Experimental Setup for Mechanical Vibration Analysis Using VLC,” 2024 32nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Mersin, Turkiye, May 15-18, 2024, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/SIU61531.2024.10600982.



    1. [ JNL2023-Tlab.006 ] Tapir Lab. et al., “Detection of Grid-Signal Distortions Using the Spectral Correlation Function,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, DOI: 10.1109/TSG.2023.3309532.
    2. [ JNL2023-Tlab.005 ] O. Alaca et al., “Secrecy Analysis of Uplink IM-OFDMA Systems in the Presence of IQ Imbalance,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2023.3285209.
    3. [ JNL2023-Tlab.004 ] S.C. Tokgöz et al., “Physical Layer Security of Dual-Hop Hybrid FSO-mmWave Systems,” IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3283293.
    4. [ JNL2023-Tlab.003 ] O. Alaca et al., “Secure Uplink IM-OFDMA with Artificial IQ Imbalance,” IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3284687.
    5. [ JNL2023-Tlab.002 ] Tapir Lab. et al., “ICON: Instagram Profile Classification Using Image and Natural Language Processing Methods,” IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TCSS.2023.3275428.
    6. [ JNL2023-Tlab.001 ] O. Alaca et al., “Analysis and Compensation of Tx and Rx IQ Imbalances in Uplink IM-OFDMA Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2023.3272357.


    1. [ CNF2023-Tlab.006 ] A.M. Yılmaz. et al., “An Experimental Setup and Validation For Visible Light Communications” accepted for presentation in IEEE Türkiye TUAC 2023, on August, 2023.
    2. [ CNF2023-Tlab.005 ] S. Karabayram. et al., “A Cloud-Based IoT Solution for Home Security Systems Using MQTT” accepted for presentation in IEEE Türkiye TUAC, on August, 2023.
    3. [ CNF2023-Tlab.004 ] Tapir Lab. et al., “Adaptive Envelope Detector-Based Phase Fault Detection Method for Power System Grid Distortions” to appear in IEEE BlackSeaCom 2023, on July, 2023.
    4. [ CNF2023-Tlab.003 ] Tapir Lab. et al., “Physical Layer Authentication for Uplink IM-OFDMA System” to appear in IEEE BlackSeaCom 2023, on July, 2023.
    5. [ CNF2023-Tlab.002 ] Tapir Lab. et al., “The Analysis of Hydrogen and Nitrogen Mediums for VLC-Based Downhole Gas Pipe Monitoring System” to appear in IEEE BlackSeaCom 2023, on July, 2023.
    6. [ CNF2023-Tlab.001 ] O. Alaca et al., “Performance Analysis of Uplink IM-OFDMA Systems in the Presence of CFO and Rx-IQI,” 2023 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN), pp. 168-173, January 11-14, 2023, Bangkok, Thailand doi: 10.1109/ICOIN56518.2023.10048914.
      Ozgur Alaca, Saud Althunibat, Serhan Yarkan, Scott L. Miller, Khalid A. Qaraqe. Performance Analysis of Uplink IM-OFDMA Systems in the Presence of CFO and Rx-IQI. 2023 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN), pages 168-173, Bangkok, Thailand, January 11-14, 2023.
      @inproceedings{ozgur alaca 2023performance,
        title={Performance Analysis of Uplink IM-OFDMA Systems in the Presence of CFO and Rx-IQI},
        author={Ozgur Alaca and Saud Althunibat and Serhan Yarkan and Scott L. Miller and Khalid A. Qaraqe},
        booktitle={2023 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN)},
        volume={ },
        number={ },
        month={January 11-14},
        address={Bangkok, Thailand}



    1. [ JNL2022-Tlab.006 ] Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), and Tapir Lab., “A Simple and Accurate Energy-Detector-Based Transient Waveform Detection for Smart Grids: Real-World Field Data Performance,” Energies, vol. 15, num. 22, 2022. DOI: 10.3390/en15228367
      Ali Riza Ekti, Aaron Wilson, Joseph Olatt, John Holliman, Serhan Yarkan, Peter Fuhr. A Simple and Accurate Energy-Detector-Based Transient Waveform Detection for Smart Grids: Real-World Field Data Performance. Energies, 15(22), 2022.
      @article{ali riza ekti 2022simple,
        title={A Simple and Accurate Energy-Detector-Based Transient Waveform Detection for Smart Grids: Real-World Field Data Performance},
        author={Ali Riza Ekti and Aaron Wilson and Joseph Olatt and John Holliman and Serhan Yarkan and Peter Fuhr},
    2. [ JNL2022-Tlab.005 ] H.S. Cankurtaran et. al., “An Experimental Framework for Power Analysis for Side-channel Attacks,” Turkish Journal of Engineering Research and Education, 2022. (accepted for publication)
      Halil Said Cankurtaran, Serhan Yarkan, Ali Boyacı. An Experimental Framework for Power Analysis for Side-channel Attacks. Turkish Journal of Engineering Research and Education, 2, 2022.
      @article{halil said cankurtaran 2022experimental,
        title={An Experimental Framework for Power Analysis for Side-channel Attacks},
        author={Halil Said Cankurtaran and Serhan Yarkan and Ali Boyacı},
        journal={Turkish Journal of Engineering Research and Education},
    3. [ JNL2022-Tlab.004 ] Tapir Lab. et al., “A Fractionally Asymmetric Sub–Nyquist Baseband Receiver Design and Implementation for Phase Modulated Signals,” in IEEE Access, pp. 1-1, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3195040.
      Zeynep Aydin, Serhan Yarkan. A Fractionally Asymmetric Sub–Nyquist Baseband Receiver Design and Implementation for Phase Modulated Signals. IEEE Access: 1-1, 2022.
      @article{zeynep aydin 2022fractionally,
        title={A Fractionally Asymmetric Sub–Nyquist Baseband Receiver Design and Implementation for Phase Modulated Signals},
        author={Zeynep Aydin and Serhan Yarkan},
        journal={IEEE Access},
    4. [ JNL2022-Tlab.003 ] S.C. Tokgöz et al., “Outage Analysis of Relay-Based Dual-Hop Hybrid FSO-mmWave Systems,” in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 2895-2907, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3134951.
      Sezer Can Tokgöz, Saud Althunibat, Scott L. Miller, Khalid. A. Qaraqe. Outage Analysis of Relay-Based Dual-Hop Hybrid FSO-mmWave Systems. IEEE Access, 10: 2895-2907, 2022.
      @article{sezer can tokgöz 2022outage,
        title={Outage Analysis of Relay-Based Dual-Hop Hybrid FSO-mmWave Systems},
        author={Sezer Can Tokgöz and Saud Althunibat and Scott L. Miller and Khalid. A. Qaraqe},
        journal={IEEE Access},
    5. [ JNL2022-Tlab.002 ] S.C. Tokgöz et al., “On the Secrecy Capacity of Hybrid FSO-mmWave Wiretap Channels,” in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 71, no. 4, pp. 4073-4086, April 2022, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2022.3148238.
      Sezer Can Tokgoz, Saud Althunibat, Scott L. Miller, Khalid. A. Qaraqe. On the Secrecy Capacity of Hybrid FSO-mmWave Wiretap Channels. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 71(4): 4073-4086, 2022.
      @article{ sezer can tokgoz 2022secrecy,
        title={On the Secrecy Capacity of Hybrid FSO-mmWave Wiretap Channels},
        author={ Sezer Can Tokgoz and Saud Althunibat and Scott L. Miller and Khalid. A. Qaraqe },
        journal={IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology},
    6. [ JNL2022-Tlab.001 ] Ali Boyacı et al., “A Novel Password Policy Focusing on Altering User Password Selection Habits: A Statistical Analysis on Breached Data,” in Computers & Security, vol. 113, pp. 102560, 2022.
      Ebu Yusuf Güven, Ali Boyaci, Muhammed Ali Aydin. A Novel Password Policy Focusing on Altering User Password Selection Habits: A Statistical Analysis on Breached Data. Computers & Security, 113: 102560, 2022.
      @article{ebu yusuf güven 2022novel,
        title={A Novel Password Policy Focusing on Altering User Password Selection Habits: A Statistical Analysis on Breached Data},
        author={Ebu Yusuf Güven and Ali Boyaci and Muhammed Ali Aydin},
        journal={Computers \& Security},
    7. [ LET2022-Tlab.002 ] Ö. Alaca et al., “Analysis of Receiver IQ-Imbalance in IM-OFDMA Uplink Systems,” in IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 917-921, April 2022, doi: 10.1109/LCOMM.2022.3143856.
      Özgür Alaca, Saud Althunibat, Scott L. Miller, Khalid A. Qaraqe. Analysis of Receiver IQ-Imbalance in IM-OFDMA Uplink Systems. IEEE Communications Letters, 26(4), 2022.
      @article{Özgür alaca 2022analysis,
        title={Analysis of Receiver IQ-Imbalance in IM-OFDMA Uplink Systems},
        author={Özgür Alaca and Saud Althunibat and Scott L. Miller and Khalid A. Qaraqe},
        journal={IEEE Communications Letters},
    8. [ LET2022-Tlab.001 ] Tapir Lab. et al., “Measurement-Based Large Scale Statistical Modeling of Air-to-Air Wireless UAV Channels via Novel Time-Frequency Analysis,” in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 136-140, Jan. 2022, DOI: 10.1109/LWC.2021.3122281.
      Burak Ede, Batuhan Kaplan, Ibrahim Kahraman, Samed Keşir, Serhan Yarkan, Ali Rıza Ekti, Tunçer Baykaş, Ali Görçin, Hakan Ali Çirpan. Measurement-Based Large Scale Statistical Modeling of Air-to-Air Wireless UAV Channels via Novel Time-Frequency Analysis. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 11(1): 136-140, January, 2022.
      @article{burak ede 2022measurement,
        title={Measurement-Based Large Scale Statistical Modeling of Air-to-Air Wireless UAV Channels via Novel Time-Frequency Analysis},
        author={Burak Ede and Batuhan Kaplan and Ibrahim Kahraman and Samed Keşir and Serhan Yarkan and Ali Rıza Ekti and Tunçer Baykaş and Ali Görçin and Hakan Ali Çirpan},
        journal={IEEE Wireless Communications Letters},


    1. [ CNF2022-Tlab.007 ] S.C. Tokgöz et al., “On the Physical Layer Security of Maximal-Ratio Combining Over Weibull Fading Channels,” 2022 International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (BalkanCom), pp. 78-83, August 22-24, 2022, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina doi: 10.1109/BalkanCom55633.2022.9900767. (Best Paper Award)
      Sezer Tokgoz, Ferkan Yilmaz, Scott Miller, Khalid A. Qaraqe. On the Physical Layer Security of Maximal-Ratio Combining Over Weibull Fading Channels. 2022 International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (BalkanCom) (BalkanCom'22), pages 78-83, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, August 22-24, 2022.
      @inproceedings{sezer tokgoz 2022physical,
        title={On the Physical Layer Security of Maximal-Ratio Combining Over Weibull Fading Channels},
        author={Sezer Tokgoz and Ferkan Yilmaz and Scott Miller and Khalid A. Qaraqe},
        booktitle={2022 International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (BalkanCom) (BalkanCom'22)},
        volume={ },
        number={ },
        month={August 22-24},
        address={Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina}
    2. [ CNF2022-Tlab.006 ] H.S. Cankurtaran et al., “Statistical Modeling of Sand and Dust Storm Attenuation,” 2022 International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (BalkanCom), pp. 95-99, August 22-24, 2022, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina doi: 10.1109/BalkanCom55633.2022.9900820.
      Halil Said Cankurtaran, Serhan Yarkan, Mazen Omar Hasna, Khalid A. Qaraqe. Statistical Modeling of Sand and Dust Storm Attenuation. 2022 International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (BalkanCom) (BalkanCom'22), pages 95-99, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, August 22-24, 2022.
      @inproceedings{halil said cankurtaran 2022statistical,
        title={Statistical Modeling of Sand and Dust Storm Attenuation},
        author={Halil Said Cankurtaran and Serhan Yarkan and Mazen Omar Hasna and Khalid A. Qaraqe},
        booktitle={2022 International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (BalkanCom) (BalkanCom'22)},
        volume={ },
        number={ },
        month={August 22-24},
        address={Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina}
    3. [ CNF2022-Tlab.005 ] A. Boyacı et al., “The Internet of Things: a domain-specific security requirement classification,” 2022 International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA), pp. 1-8, June 09-11, 2022, Ankara, Turkey doi: 10.1109/HORA55278.2022.9800035.
      Ali Boyaci, Arafat Mukalazi. The Internet of Things: a domain-specific security requirement classification. 2022 International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA), pages 1-8, Ankara, Turkey, June 09-11, 2022.
      @inproceedings{ali boyaci 2022internet,
        title={The Internet of Things: a domain-specific security requirement classification},
        author={Ali Boyaci and Arafat Mukalazi},
        booktitle={2022 International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA)},
        volume={ },
        number={ },
        month={June 09-11},
        address={Ankara, Turkey}
    4. [ CNF2022-Tlab.004 ] A. Boyacı et al., “Detection of Involuntary Movement with Wearable Technology,” 2022 International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA), pp. 1-5, June 09-11, 2022, Ankara, Turkey doi: 10.1109/HORA55278.2022.9800040.
      Ali Boyaci, Yasin Köseoğlu. Detection of Involuntary Movement with Wearable Technology. 2022 International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA), pages 1-5, Ankara, Turkey, June 09-11, 2022.
      @inproceedings{ali boyaci 2022detection,
        title={Detection of Involuntary Movement with Wearable Technology},
        author={Ali Boyaci and Yasin Köseoğlu},
        booktitle={2022 International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA)},
        volume={ },
        number={ },
        month={June 09-11},
        address={Ankara, Turkey}
    5. [ CNF2022-Tlab.003 ] O. Boyacı et al., “Spatio-Temporal Failure Propagation in Cyber-Physical Power Systems,” 2022 3rd International Conference on Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (SGRE), pp. 1-6, March 20-22, 2022, Doha, Qatar, doi: 10.1109/SGRE53517.2022.9774040. (Best Paper Award)
      Osman Boyaci, Mohammed Rasoul Narimani, Katherine Davis, Erchin Serpedin. Spatio-Temporal Failure Propagation in Cyber-Physical Power Systems. 2022 3rd International Conference on Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (SGRE), pages 1-6, Doha, Qatar, March 20-22, 2022.
      @inproceedings{osman boyaci 2022spatio,
        title={Spatio-Temporal Failure Propagation in Cyber-Physical Power Systems},
        author={Osman Boyaci and Mohammed Rasoul Narimani and Katherine Davis and Erchin Serpedin},
        booktitle={2022 3rd International Conference on Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (SGRE)},
        volume={ },
        number={ },
        month={March 20-22},
        address={Doha, Qatar}
    6. [ CNF2022-Tlab.002 ] H.S. Cankurtaran et al., “Propeller Effects on mmWave UAV Channels: A Statistical and Empirical Modeling Study,” 2022 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom) (IEEE BlackSeaCom 2022), pp. 30-35, June 6-9, 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria.
      Halil Said Cankurtaran, Amit Kachroo, Wan Choi, John O'Hara, Serhan Yarkan, Khalid A. Qaraqe, Mazen Omar Hasna, Sabit Ekin. Propeller Effects on mmWave UAV Channels: A Statistical and Empirical Modeling Study. 2022 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom) (IEEE BlackSeaCom 2022), Sofia, Bulgaria, June 6-9, 2022.
      @inproceedings{halil said cankurtaran 2022propeller,
        title={Propeller Effects on mmWave UAV Channels: A Statistical and Empirical Modeling Study},
        author={Halil Said Cankurtaran and Amit Kachroo and Wan Choi and John O'Hara and Serhan Yarkan and Khalid A. Qaraqe and Mazen Omar Hasna and Sabit Ekin},
        booktitle={2022 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom) (IEEE BlackSeaCom 2022)},
        volume={ },
        number={ },
        month={June 6-9},
        address={Sofia, Bulgaria}
    7. [ CNF2022-Tlab.001 ] Ö. Alaca and S.C. Tokgöz et al., “On the Investigation of Carbon Dioxide Medium for VLC based Downhole Telemetry System,” 2022 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom) (IEEE BlackSeaCom 2022), pp. 214-219, June 6-9, 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria.
      Ozgur Alaca, Sezer Can Tokgoz, Albertus Retnanto, Scott L. Miller, Khalid A. Qaraqe. On the Investigation of Carbon Dioxide Medium for VLC based Downhole Telemetry System. 2022 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom) (IEEE BlackSeaCom 2022), pages 214-219, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 6-9, 2022.
      @inproceedings{ozgur alaca 2022investigation,
        title={On the Investigation of Carbon Dioxide Medium for VLC based Downhole Telemetry System},
        author={Ozgur Alaca and Sezer Can Tokgoz and Albertus Retnanto and Scott L. Miller and Khalid A. Qaraqe},
        booktitle={2022 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom) (IEEE BlackSeaCom 2022)},
        volume={ },
        number={ },
        month={June 6-9},
        address={Sofia, Bulgaria}



    1. [ JNL2021-Tlab.003 ] Tapir Lab. et al., “Detection, Identification, and Direction of Arrival of Estimation of Drone FHSS Signals with Uniform Linear Antenna Array,” in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 152057-152069, 2021.
      Batuhan Kaplan, Ibrahim Kahraman, Ali Rıza Ekti, Serhan Yarkan, Ali Görçin, Mustafa Kemal Özdemir, Hakan Ali Çirpan. Detection, Identification, and Direction of Arrival Estimation of Drone FHSS Signals With Uniform Linear Antenna Array. IEEE Access, 9: 152057-152069, 2021.
      @article{batuhan kaplan 2021detection,,
        title={Detection, Identification, and Direction of Arrival Estimation of Drone FHSS Signals With Uniform Linear Antenna Array},
        author={Batuhan Kaplan and Ibrahim Kahraman and Ali Rıza Ekti and Serhan Yarkan and Ali Görçin and Mustafa Kemal Özdemir and Hakan Ali Çirpan},
        journal={IEEE Access},
    2. [ JNL2021-Tlab.002 ] Tapir Lab. et al., “Modeling and Analysis of Short Distance Sub-Terahertz Communication Channel via Mixture of Gamma Distribution,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2021, DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2021.3063209.
      Kürşat Tekbiyik, Ali Rıza Ekti, Güneş Karabulut Kurt, Ali Gorcin, Serhan Yarkan. Modeling and Analysis of Short Distance Sub-Terahertz Communication Channel via Mixture of Gamma Distribution. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 70(4): 2945-2954, 2021.
      @article{kürşat tekbiyik 2021modeling,
        title={Modeling and Analysis of Short Distance Sub-Terahertz Communication Channel via Mixture of Gamma Distribution},
        author={Kürşat Tekbiyik and Ali Rıza Ekti and Güneş Karabulut Kurt and Ali Gorcin and Serhan Yarkan},
        journal={IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology},
    3. [ JNL2021-Tlab.001 ] A. Boyacı et al., “Artificial Intelligence–Based COVID-19 Detection Using Cough Records,” Electrica, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 203-208, May, 2021.
      Alpaslan Gökcen, Bulut Karadağ, Cengiz Riva, Ali Boyacı. Artificial Intelligence–Based COVID-19 Detection Using Cough Records. Electrica, 21(2): 203-208, May, 2021.
      @article{alpaslan gökcen 2021artificial,
        title={Artificial Intelligence–Based COVID-19 Detection Using Cough Records},
        author={Alpaslan Gökcen and Bulut Karadağ and Cengiz Riva and Ali Boyacı},


    1. [ CNF2021-Tlab.003 ] Ö. Alaca et al., “CNN-Based Signal Detector for IM-OFDMA,” 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2021, pp. 01-06, doi: 10.1109/GLOBECOM46510.2021.9685285.
      Ozgur Alaca, Saud Althunibat, Serhan Yarkan, Scott L. Miller, Khalid A. Qaraqe. CNN-Based Signal Detector for IM-OFDMA. 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), pages 01-06, Madrid, Spain, December 07-11, 2021.
      @inproceedings{ozgur alaca 2021cnn,
        title={CNN-Based Signal Detector for IM-OFDMA},
        author={Ozgur Alaca and Saud Althunibat and Serhan Yarkan and Scott L. Miller and Khalid A. Qaraqe},
        booktitle={2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)},
        volume={ },
        number={ },
        month={December 07-11},
        address={Madrid, Spain}
    2. [ CNF2021-Tlab.002 ] Ö. Alaca and S.C. Tokgöz et al., “Experimental Demonstration of Visible Light Communication based Downhole Telemetry System,” 2021 IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom), 2021, pp. 366-371, doi: 10.1109/MeditCom49071.2021.9647535.
      Ozgur Alaca, Sezer Can Tokgoz, Albertus Retnanto, Scott L. Miller, Khalid A. Qaraqe. Experimental Demonstration of Visible Light Communication based Downhole Telemetry System. 2021 IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom), pages 366-371, Athens, Greece, September 07-10, 2021.
      @inproceedings{ozgur alaca 2021experimental,
        title={Experimental Demonstration of Visible Light Communication based Downhole Telemetry System},
        author={Ozgur Alaca and Sezer Can Tokgoz and Albertus Retnanto and Scott L. Miller and Khalid A. Qaraqe},
        booktitle={2021 IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom)},
        volume={ },
        number={ },
        month={September 07-10},
        address={Athens, Greece}
    3. [ CNF2021-Tlab.001 ] S.C. Tokgöz et al., “Physical Layer Security of Hybrid FSO-mmWave Communications in Presence of Correlated Wiretap Channels,” in the Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’21), June 14-23, 2021, Virtual, Montreal.
      Sezer Can Tokgoz, Saud Althunibat, Serhan Yarkan, Khalid A. Qaraqe. Physical Layer Security of Hybrid FSO-mmWave Communications in Presence of Correlated Wiretap Channels. ICC 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, pages 1-7, Montreal, QC, Canada, June 14-23, 2021.
      @inproceedings{sezer can tokgoz 2021physical,
        title={Physical Layer Security of Hybrid FSO-mmWave Communications in Presence of Correlated Wiretap Channels},
        author={Sezer Can Tokgoz and Saud Althunibat and Serhan Yarkan and Khalid A. Qaraqe},
        booktitle={ICC 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Communications},
        volume={ },
        number={ },
        month={June 14-23},
        address={Montreal, QC, Canada}



    1. [ JNL2020-Tlab.002 ] O. Boyaci et al., “Personalized quantification of facial normality: a machine learning approach,” Scientific Reports – Nature, 10, 21375, 2020.
      Osman Boyaci, Erchin Serpedin, Mitchell A. Stotland. Personalized quantification of facial normality: a machine learning approach. Scientific Reports, 10: 21375, December, 2020.
      @article{osman boyaci 2020personalized,
        title={Personalized quantification of facial normality: a machine learning approach},
        author={Osman Boyaci and Erchin Serpedin and Mitchell A. Stotland},
        journal={Scientific Reports},
    2. [ JNL2020-Tlab.001 ] S.C. Tokgöz et al., “Enhancing Secrecy Capacity in FSO Links via MISO Systems Through Turbulence-Induced Fading Channels With Misalignment Errors,” in IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 1-13, Aug. 2020, Art no. 7903313, doi: 10.1109/JPHOT.2020.2987378.
      Rubén Boluda-Ruiz, Sezer Can Tokgoz, Antonio García-Zambrana, Khalid A. Qaraqe. Enhancing Secrecy Capacity in FSO Links via MISO Systems Through Turbulence-Induced Fading Channels With Misalignment Errors. IEEE Photonics Journal, 12(4): 1-13, 2020.
      @article{rubén boluda-ruiz 2020enhancing,
        title={Enhancing Secrecy Capacity in FSO Links via MISO Systems Through Turbulence-Induced Fading Channels With Misalignment Errors},
        author={Rubén Boluda-Ruiz and Sezer Can Tokgoz and Antonio García-Zambrana and Khalid A. Qaraqe},
        journal={IEEE Photonics Journal},


    1. [ CNF2020-Tlab.009 ] S.C. Tokgöz et al., “Visible Light Communications for Downhole Gas Pipeline Monitoring Systems,” 2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2020, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/SIU49456.2020.9302332.
      Kenana Dalle, Johanne Medina, Sezer Can Tokgoz, Scott L. Miller, Khalid A. Qaraqe. Visible Light Communications for Downhole Gas Pipeline Monitoring Systems. 2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), pages 1-4, Gaziantep, Turkey, October 05-07, 2020.
      @inproceedings{kenana dalle 2020visible,
        title={Visible Light Communications for Downhole Gas Pipeline Monitoring Systems},
        author={Kenana Dalle and Johanne Medina and Sezer Can Tokgoz and Scott L. Miller and Khalid A. Qaraqe},
        booktitle={2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)},
        volume={ },
        number={ },
        month={October 05-07},
        address={Gaziantep, Turkey}
    2. [ CNF2020-Tlab.008 ] S.C. Tokgöz et al., “On the Investigation of Achievable Links for VLC based Wireless Downhole Telemetry Systems,” 2020 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom), 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/BlackSeaCom48709.2020.9234990.
      Sezer Can Tokgoz, Scott L. Miller, Khalid A. Qaraqe. On the Investigation of Achievable Links for VLC based Wireless Downhole Telemetry Systems. 2020 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom), pages 1-6, Odessa, Ukraine, May 26-29, 2020.
      @inproceedings{sezer can tokgoz 2020investigation,
        title={On the Investigation of Achievable Links for VLC based Wireless Downhole Telemetry Systems},
        author={Sezer Can Tokgoz and Scott L. Miller and Khalid A. Qaraqe},
        booktitle={2020 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom)},
        volume={ },
        number={ },
        month={May 26-29},
        address={Odessa, Ukraine}
    3. [ CNF2020-Tlab.007 ] S.C. Tokgöz et al., “Man-in-the-Middle Attacks to Detect and Identify Services in Encrypted Network Flows using Machine Learning,” 2020 3rd International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking (CommNet), 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/CommNet49926.2020.9199617.
      Abdulrahman Al-Hababi, Sezer Can Tokgoz. Man-in-the-Middle Attacks to Detect and Identify Services in Encrypted Network Flows using Machine Learning. 2020 3rd International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking (CommNet), pages 1-5, Marrakech, Morocco, September 04-06, 2020.
      @inproceedings{abdulrahman al-hababi 2020man,
        title={Man-in-the-Middle Attacks to Detect and Identify Services in Encrypted Network Flows using Machine Learning},
        author={Abdulrahman Al-Hababi and Sezer Can Tokgoz},
        booktitle={2020 3rd International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking (CommNet)},
        volume={ },
        number={ },
        month={September 04-06},
        address={Marrakech, Morocco}
    4. [ CNF2020-Tlab.006 ] S.C. Tokgöz et al., “A Link-Selection Mechanism for Hybrid FSO-mmWave Systems based on Index Modulation,” ICC 2020 – 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2020, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/ICC40277.2020.9148634.
      Sezer Can Tokgoz, Saud Althunibat, Khalid A. Qaraqe. A Link-Selection Mechanism for Hybrid FSO-mmWave Systems based on Index Modulation. ICC 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2020.
      @inproceedings{sezer can tokgoz 2020link,
        title={A Link-Selection Mechanism for Hybrid FSO-mmWave Systems based on Index Modulation},
        author={Sezer Can Tokgoz and Saud Althunibat and Khalid A. Qaraqe},
        booktitle={ICC 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)},
    5. [ CNF2020-Tlab.005 ] H. S. Cankurtaran et al., “An Acoustic Signal Based Language Independent Lip Synchronization Method and Its Implementation via Extended LPC,” the 28th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, October 5-7, 2020, Gaziantep, Turkey. (held online)
      Halil Said Cankurtaran, Ali Boyacı, Serhan Yarkan. An Acoustic Signal Based Language Independent Lip Synchronization Method and Its Implementation via Extended LPC. 2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), pages 1-4, 2020.
      @inproceedings{halil said cankurtaran 2020acoustic,
        title={An Acoustic Signal Based Language Independent Lip Synchronization Method and Its Implementation via Extended LPC},
        author={Halil Said Cankurtaran and Ali Boyacı and Serhan Yarkan},
        booktitle={2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)},
    6. [ CNF2020-Tlab.004 ] Gamze Kirman et al., “A Comparison on Energy Detector and CNN-based Detector,” the 28th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, October 5-7, 2020, Gaziantep, Turkey. (held online)
      Gamze Kirman Tokgöz, Kürşat Tekbıyık, Güneş Karabulut Kurt, Serhan Yarkan. A Comparison on Energy Detector and CNN-based Detector. 2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), pages 1-4, 2020.
      @inproceedings{gamze kirman tokgöz 2020comparison,
        title={A Comparison on Energy Detector and CNN-based Detector},
        author={Gamze Kirman Tokgöz and Kürşat Tekbıyık and Güneş Karabulut Kurt and Serhan Yarkan},
        booktitle={2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)},
    7. [ CNF2020-Tlab.003 ] K. T. and Gamze Kirman et al., “Measurement Based LOS/NLOS Signal Detection for Terahertz Communication: Energy Detector Approach,” the 28th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, October 5-7, 2020, Gaziantep, Turkey. (held online)
      Kürşat Tekbıyık, Güneş Karabulut Tokgöz, Ali Rıza Ekti, Serhan Yarkan, Güneş Karabulut Kurt. Measurement Based LOS/NLOS Signal Detection for Terahertz Communication: Energy Detector Approach. 2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), pages 1-4, 2020.
      @inproceedings{kürşat tekbıyık 2020measurement,
        title={Measurement Based LOS/NLOS Signal Detection for Terahertz Communication: Energy Detector Approach},
        author={Kürşat Tekbıyık and Güneş Karabulut Tokgöz and Ali Rıza Ekti and Serhan Yarkan and Güneş Karabulut Kurt},
        booktitle={2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)},
    8. [ CNF2020-Tlab.002 ] B. K. and Tapir Lab. et al., “A Measurement-Based Direction Finding Method for Frequency Hopping Signals,” the 28th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, October 5-7, 2020, Gaziantep, Turkey. (held online)
      Batuhan Kaplan, İbrahim Kahraman, Ali Rıza Ekti, Serhan Yarkan, Hakan Ali Çırpan. Measurement Based Direction of Arrival Estimation for Frequency Hopping Signals. 2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), pages 1-4, 2020.
      @inproceedings{batuhan kaplan 2020measurement,
        title={Measurement Based Direction of Arrival Estimation for Frequency Hopping Signals},
        author={Batuhan Kaplan and İbrahim Kahraman and Ali Rıza Ekti and Serhan Yarkan and Hakan Ali Çırpan},
        booktitle={2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)},
    9. [ CNF2020-Tlab.001 ] TLab., “Measurement Based Statistical Channel Characterization of Air–to–Ground Path Loss Model at 446 MHz for Narrow–Band Signals in Low Altitude UAVs,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference-Spring (VTC2020-Spring), May 25-28, 2020, Antwerp, Belgium.
      Burak Ede, Serhan Yarkan, Ali Rıza Ekti, Tunçer Baykaş, Hakan Ali Çirpan, Ali Görçin. Measurement Based Statistical Channel Characterization of Air–to–Ground Path Loss Model at 446MHz for Narrow–Band Signals in Low Altitude UAVs. 2020 IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring), pages 1-5, 2020.
      @inproceedings{burak ede 2020measurement,
        title={Measurement Based Statistical Channel Characterization of Air–to–Ground Path Loss Model at 446MHz for Narrow–Band Signals in Low Altitude UAVs},
        author={Burak Ede and Serhan Yarkan and Ali Rıza Ekti and Tunçer Baykaş and Hakan Ali Çirpan and Ali Görçin},
        booktitle={2020 IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring)},



    1. [ BOOK2019-TLab.001 ] Tapir Lab., “16th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD 2019), Proceedings of a meeting held 21-24 March 2019, Istanbul, Turkey,” IEEE, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/SSD46526.2019.


    1. [ CNF2019-Tlab.010 ] E. E. and G. Çankaya et al., “A Detection and Identification Method Based on Signal Power for Different Types of Electronic Jamming Attacks on GPS Signals,” in Proc. The IEEE 30th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), September 8-11, 2019, Istanbul, Turkey.
      Esat Elezi, Göksel Çankaya, Ali Boyacı, Serhan Yarkan. A detection and identification method based on signal power for different types of Electronic Jamming attacks on GPS signals. 2019 IEEE 30th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), pages 1-5, Sep, 2019.
      @inproceedings{esat elezi 2019detection,
        title={A detection and identification method based on signal power for different types of Electronic Jamming attacks on GPS signals},
        author={Esat Elezi and Göksel Çankaya and Ali Boyacı and Serhan Yarkan},
        booktitle={2019 IEEE 30th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC)},
    2. [ CNF2019-Tlab.009 ] S. C. Tokgöz et al., “ACO-OFDM Transmission over Underwater Pipeline for VLC-based Systems,” in Proc. The IEEE 30th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), September 8-11, 2019, Istanbul, Turkey.
      Sezer Can Tokgoz, Ruben Boluda-Ruiz, Serhan Yarkan, Khalid A. Qaraqe. ACO-OFDM Transmission over Underwater Pipeline for VLC-based Systems. 2019 IEEE 30th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), pages 1-7, Sep., 2019.
      @inproceedings{sezer can tokgoz 2019aco,
        title={ACO-OFDM Transmission over Underwater Pipeline for VLC-based Systems},
        author={Sezer Can Tokgoz and Ruben Boluda-Ruiz and Serhan Yarkan and Khalid A. Qaraqe},
        booktitle={2019 IEEE 30th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC)},
    3. [ CNF2019-Tlab.008 ] TLab., “Statistical Channel Modeling for Short Range Line–of–Sight Terahertz Communication,” in Proc. The IEEE 30th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), September 8-11, 2019, Istanbul, Turkey.
      Kürşat Tekbıyık, Emre Ulusoy, Ali Rıza Ekti, Serhan Yarkan, Tunçer Baykaş, Ali Görçin, Güneş Karabulut Kurt. Statistical Channel Modeling for Short Range Line–of–Sight Terahertz Communication. 2019 IEEE 30th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), pages 1-5, Sep., 2019.
      @inproceedings{kürşat tekbıyık 2019statistical,
        title={Statistical Channel Modeling for Short Range Line–of–Sight Terahertz Communication},
        author={Kürşat Tekbıyık and Emre Ulusoy and Ali Rıza Ekti and Serhan Yarkan and Tunçer Baykaş and Ali Görçin and Güneş Karabulut Kurt},
        booktitle={2019 IEEE 30th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC)},
    4. [ CNF2019-Tlab.007 ] A. Boyacı et al., “A Survey on Backbone Attack,” in Proc. The IEEE 7th International Symposium on Digital Forensic and Security (ISDFS 2019), June 10-12, 2019, Barcelos, Portugal.
      EBU YUSUF GUVEN, MEHMET YAVUZ. YAGCI, SERHAN YARKAN, ALI BOYACI, MUHAMMED ALI AYDIN. A Survey on Backbone Attack. 2019 7th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS), pages 1-5, June, 2019.
      @inproceedings{ebu yusuf guven 2019survey,
        title={A Survey on Backbone Attack},
        booktitle={2019 7th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS)},
    5. [ CNF2019-Tlab.006 ] Ö. Alaca et al., “A Statistical Modulation Type Identifier for Remote Keyless Entry Transmitters Based on Extended Energy Detector,” in Proc. The IEEE 7th International Symposium on Digital Forensic and Security (ISDFS 2019), June 10-12, 2019, Barcelos, Portugal.
      Özgür Alaca, Ali Boyaci, Serhan Yarkan, Muhammed Ali Aydın. EA Statistical Modulation Type Identifier for Remote Keyless Entry Transmitters Based on Extended Energy Detector. 2019 7th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS), pages 1-6, June, 2019.
      @inproceedings{Özgür alaca 2019ea,
        title={EA Statistical Modulation Type Identifier for Remote Keyless Entry Transmitters Based on Extended Energy Detector},
        author={Özgür Alaca and Ali Boyaci and Serhan Yarkan and Muhammed Ali Aydın},
        booktitle={2019 7th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS)},
    6. [ CNF2019-Tlab.005 ] S. C. Tokgöz et al., “Performance Improvement of White LED-based VLC Systems using Blue and Flattening Filters,” in Proc. The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking (CommNet 2019), April 12-14, 2019, Rabat, Morocco.
      Sezer Can Tokgoz, Noha Anous, Serhan Yarkan, Karim D. Khalil, Khalid A. Qaraqe. Performance Improvement of White LED-Based VLC Systems Using Blue and Flattening Filters. 2019 International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking (CommNet), pages 1-6, April, 2019.
      @inproceedings{sezer can tokgoz 2019performance,
        title={Performance Improvement of White LED-Based VLC Systems Using Blue and Flattening Filters},
        author={Sezer Can Tokgoz and Noha Anous and Serhan Yarkan and Karim D. Khalil and Khalid A. Qaraqe},
        booktitle={2019 International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking (CommNet)},
    7. [ CNF2019-Tlab.004 ] S. C. Tokgöz et al., “Performance Evaluation of White LED-based OFDM-VLC Systems with Blue Filters: Experimental Study,” in Proc. 16th IEEE International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD’19) , Istanbul, Turkey, March 21-24th, 2019
      Sezer Can Tokgoz, Noha Anous, Serhan Yarkan, Ali Boyacı, Khalid A. Qaraqe. Performance Evaluation of White LED-based OFDM-VLC Systems with Blue Filters: Experimental Study. 2019 16th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals Devices (SSD), pages 686-690, March, 2019.
      @inproceedings{sezer can tokgoz 2019performance,
        title={Performance Evaluation of White LED-based OFDM-VLC Systems with Blue Filters: Experimental Study},
        author={Sezer Can Tokgoz and Noha Anous and Serhan Yarkan and Ali Boyacı and Khalid A. Qaraqe},
        booktitle={2019 16th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals Devices (SSD)},
    8. [ CNF2019-Tlab.003 ] S. C. Tokgöz et al., “Real-Time Data Transmission over PSTNs on Physical Layer,” in Proc. 16th IEEE International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD’19) , Istanbul, Turkey, March 21-24th, 2019
      Sezer Can Tokgoz, Serhan Yarkan, Scott L. Miller, Khalid A. Qaraqe. Real-Time Data Transmission over PSTNs on Physical Layer. 2019 16th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals Devices (SSD), pages 630-635, March, 2019.
      @inproceedings{sezer can tokgoz 2019real,
        title={Real-Time Data Transmission over PSTNs on Physical Layer},
        author={Sezer Can Tokgoz and Serhan Yarkan and Scott L. Miller and Khalid A. Qaraqe},
        booktitle={2019 16th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals Devices (SSD)},
    9. [ CNF2019-Tlab.002 ] E. E. and G. Çankaya et al., “The effect of Electronic Jammers on GPS Signals,” in Proc. 16th IEEE International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD’19) , Istanbul, Turkey, March 21-24th, 2019
      Esat Elezi, Göksel Çankaya, Ali Boyacı, Serhan Yarkan. The effect of Electronic Jammers on GPS Signals. 2019 16th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals Devices (SSD), pages 652-656, March, 2019.
      @inproceedings{esat elezi 2019effect,
        title={The effect of Electronic Jammers on GPS Signals},
        author={Esat Elezi and Göksel Çankaya and Ali Boyacı and Serhan Yarkan},
        booktitle={2019 16th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals Devices (SSD)},
    10. [ CNF2019-Tlab.001 ] C. Kazdağ and Ö. Alaca et al., “On the Investigation of Bandwidth Allocation for Short–Range and Long–Range Heterogeneous Wireless Networks,” in Proc. 16th IEEE International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD’19) , Istanbul, Turkey, March 21-24th, 2019
      Can Kazdağ, Özgür Alaca, Ali Rıza Ekti, Serhan Yarkan. On the Investigation of Bandwidth Allocation for Short–Range and Long–Range Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. 2019 16th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals Devices (SSD), pages 524-528, March, 2019.
      @inproceedings{can kazdağ 2019investigation,
        title={On the Investigation of Bandwidth Allocation for Short–Range and Long–Range Heterogeneous Wireless Networks},
        author={Can Kazdağ and Özgür Alaca and Ali Rıza Ekti and Serhan Yarkan},
        booktitle={2019 16th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals Devices (SSD)},



    1. [ BOOK2019-TLab.001 ] A. Boyaci et al., “International Telecommunications Conference, Proceedings of the ITelCon 2017, Istanbul,” Springer Singapore , 2019, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-0408-8. [ERROR] Missing attributes: type

Book Chapters:

    1. [ BCh2018-Tlab.001 ] A. Boyacı et al., “WWW: World Wide Wheels—A Paradigm Shift for Transportation Systems via xG,” in Vehicle-to-Vehicle and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communications: A Technical Approach , 1st. Ed., pp.277-297, CRC Press Taylor & Francis, March 12th, 2018, ISBN- 978-1-13-870683-5.[ERROR] Missing attributes: type


    1. [ JNL2018-Tlab.004 ] S. Hessien and S. C. Tokgöz et al., “Experimental Evaluation of OFDM Based Underwater Visible Light Communication System,” in IEEE Photonics Journal , 2018, DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2018.2871958.
      Salah Hessien, Sezer Can Tokgoz, Noha Anous, Ali Boyaci, Mohammed Abdallah, Khalid A. Qaraqe. Experimental Evaluation of OFDM-Based Underwater Visible Light Communication System. IEEE Photonics Journal, 10(5): 1-13, Oct, 2018.
      @article{salah hessien 2018experimental,
        title={Experimental Evaluation of OFDM-Based Underwater Visible Light Communication System},
        author={Salah Hessien and Sezer Can Tokgoz and Noha Anous and Ali Boyaci and Mohammed Abdallah and Khalid A. Qaraqe},
        journal={IEEE Photonics Journal},
    2. [ LET2018-Tlab.002 ] TLab., “Propagation Channels in Terahertz Band,” in IEEE COMSOC MMTC E-Letter .
      Ali Rıza Ekti Serhan Yarkan Ali Görçin Murat Uysal. Propagation Channels in Terahertz Band. IEEE COMSOC MMTC Communications-Frontiers, 13: 5-8, 2018.
      @article{ali rıza ekti serhan yarkan ali görçin murat uysal2018propagation,
        title={Propagation Channels in Terahertz Band},
        author={Ali Rıza Ekti Serhan Yarkan Ali Görçin Murat Uysal},
        journal={IEEE COMSOC MMTC Communications-Frontiers},
    3. [ LET2018-Tlab.001 ] E. Ulusoy, Ö. Alaca and G. Kirman et al., “On Some Issues Related to Statistical Modeling of Propagation Channels for Terahertz Band,” in IEEE COMSOC MMTC E-Letter .
      Emre Ulusoy, Özgür Alaca, Gamze Kirman, Ali Rıza Ekti, Ali Görçin, Serhan Yarkan. On Some Issues Related to Statistical Modeling of Propagation Channels for Terahertz Band. IEEE COMSOC MMTC Communications-Frontiers, 13: 9-11, 2018.
      @article{emre ulusoy 2018issues,
        title={On Some Issues Related to Statistical Modeling of Propagation Channels for Terahertz Band},
        author={Emre Ulusoy and Özgür Alaca and Gamze Kirman and Ali Rıza Ekti and Ali Görçin and Serhan Yarkan},
        journal={IEEE COMSOC MMTC Communications-Frontiers},
    4. [ JNL2018-Tlab.003 ] Tapir Lab. et al., “Energy-Per-Bit Performance Analysis of Relay-Assisted Power Line Communication Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking (Volume: 2, Issue: 2, June 2018).
      Khaled M. Rabie, Bamidele Adebisi, Haris Gacanin, Serhan Yarkan. Energy-Per-Bit Performance Analysis of Relay-Assisted Power Line Communication Systems. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2: 360-368, 2018.
        title={Energy-Per-Bit Performance Analysis of Relay-Assisted Power Line Communication Systems},
        author={Rabie, Khaled M. and Adebisi, Bamidele and Gacanin, Haris and Serhan Yarkan},
        journal={IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking},
    5. [ JNL2018-Tlab.002 ] K. Rabie et al., “Two-Stage Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access over Power Line Communication Channels,” IEEE Access , 2018.
      Khaled M. Rabie, Badimela Adebisi, Andrea M. Tonello, Serhan Yarkan, Muhammed Ijaz. Two-Stage Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Over Power Line Communication Channels. IEEE Access, 6: 17368-17376, 2018.
      @article{khaled m. rabie 2018two,
        title={Two-Stage Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Over Power Line Communication Channels},
        author={Khaled M. Rabie and Badimela Adebisi and Andrea M. Tonello and Serhan Yarkan and Muhammed Ijaz},
        journal={IEEE Access},
    6. [ JNL2018-Tlab.001 ] A. Boyacı et al., “Monitoring, Surveillance, and Management of the Electromagnetic Spectrum: Current Issues in Electromagnetic Spectrum Monitoring,” Electrica , vol. 18, No. 1, 2018, DOI: 10.5152/iujeee.2018.1816.
      Ali Boyaci, Ali Rıza Ekti, Serhan Yarkan, Muhammed Ali Aydin. Monitoring Surveillance and Management of the Electromagnetic Spectrum: Current Issues in Electromagnetic Spectrum Monitoring. Electrica, 18(1): 100-108, 2018.
      @article{ali boyaci 2018monitoring,
        title={Monitoring Surveillance and Management of the Electromagnetic Spectrum: Current Issues in Electromagnetic Spectrum Monitoring},
        author={Ali Boyaci and Ali Rıza Ekti and Serhan Yarkan and Muhammed Ali Aydin},


    1. [ CNF2018-Tlab.004 ] Ö. Alaca and G. Kirman et al., “Empirical Analysis of The Performance of Radiometer for Digitally Modulated Signals,” in Proc. Computational Methods and Telecommunication in Electrical Engineering and Finance (CMTEEF 2018) , Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hersegovina, May 6-9th, 2018.
    2. [ CNF2018-Tlab.003 ] E. Baycan et al., “Statistical Characterization of Noise for Power Line Communications Channels: Field Measurements,” in Proc. 11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks, and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP ’18).( invited paper )
      Erhan Baycan, Ibrahim Halil Ertürkler, Mahmut Sami Saraç, Serhan YARKAN. Statistical Characterization of Noise for Power Line Communications Channels: Field Measurements. 2018 11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), pages 1-6, July, 2018.
      @inproceedings{erhan baycan 2018statistical,
        title={Statistical Characterization of Noise for Power Line Communications Channels: Field Measurements},
        author={Erhan Baycan and Ibrahim Halil Ertürkler and Mahmut Sami Saraç and Serhan YARKAN},
        booktitle={2018 11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP)},
    3. [ CNF2018-Tlab.002 ] M. S. Karakaşlı et al., “ Dynamic Feature Selection for Spam Detection in Twitter,” in Proc. in Proc. International Telecommunications Conference (ITelCon) 2017, also in Springer LNEE, December 28-29th, 2017, Istanbul, Turkey.
      Muhammed Salih Karakasli, Muhammed Ali Aydin, Serhan Yarkan, Ali Boyaci. Dynamic Feature Selection for Spam Detection in Twitter. International Telecommunications Conference, pages 239-250, Singapore, 2019. Springer Singapore.
      @inproceedings{muhammed salih karakasli 2019dynamic,
        title={Dynamic Feature Selection for Spam Detection in Twitter},
        author={Muhammed Salih Karakasli and Muhammed Ali Aydin and Serhan Yarkan and Ali Boyaci},
        booktitle={International Telecommunications Conference},
        publisher={Springer Singapore},
    4. [ CNF2018-Tlab.001 ] D. A. Serin et al., “ An IEEE 802.11x Implementation for V2X Communications Towards IoT and Big Data,” in Proc. International Telecommunications Conference (ITelCon) 2017, also in Springer LNEE, December 28-29th, 2017, Istanbul, Turkey.
      Dilara. Albayrak Serin, Ali Boyaci, Alper Ozpinar, Serhan Yarkan. An IEEE 802.11x Implementation for V2X Communications Towards IoT and Big Data. International Telecommunications Conference, pages 177-188, Singapore, 2019. Springer Singapore.
      @inproceedings{dilara. albayrak serin 2019ieee,
        title={An IEEE 802.11x Implementation for V2X Communications Towards IoT and Big Data},
        author={Dilara. Albayrak Serin and Ali Boyaci and Alper Ozpinar and Serhan Yarkan},
        booktitle={International Telecommunications Conference},
        publisher={Springer Singapore},

2017 and before

Book Chapters:

    1. [ BCh2016-Tlab.001 ] A. Ozpinar et al., “Vehicle to Cloud: Big Data for Environmental Sustainability, Energy, and Traffic Management,” in Effective Big Data Management and Opportunities for Implementation , 1st. Ed., pp.182-201, IGI Global, June 2016, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0182-4.ch012. [ERROR] Missing attributes: type
    2. [ BCh2011-Tlab.001 ] Tapir Lab. et al., “Reliable Communications for Short range Wireless Systems, Bölüm adı:(Interference mitigation and awareness for improved reliability),” Interference mitigation and awareness for improved reliability 2011, pp.190-223”


    1. [ JNL2015-Tlab.002 ] A. Boyaci et al., “ A Cross-layer Adaptive Channel Selection Mechanism for IEEE 802.11P Suite,” in EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Special Issue on Wireless Communications and Networking Technology towards Intelligent Internet of Vehicles, 2015:214 , DOI: 10.1186/s13638-015-0441-z.
      Ali Boyaci, Halim Zaim, Coskun Sonmez. A cross-layer adaptive channel selection mechanism for IEEE 802.11P suite. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2015(1): 214, Sep, 2015.
      @article{ali boyaci 2015cross,
        title={A cross-layer adaptive channel selection mechanism for IEEE 802.11P suite},
        author={Ali Boyaci and Halim Zaim and Coskun Sonmez},
        journal={EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking},
    2. [ JNL2015-Tlab.001 ] TLab., “ A Generic Measurement Setup for Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques: Indoor Environments,” in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol.64, no.3, pp.606-614, March 2015.
      Serhan Yarkan. A Generic Measurement Setup for Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques: Indoor Environments. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 64(3): 606-614, March, 2015.
      @article{serhan yarkan2015generic,
        title={A Generic Measurement Setup for Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques: Indoor Environments},
        author={Serhan Yarkan},
        journal={IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement},
    3. [ JNL2014-Tlab.001 Tlab.D.8.5.DBA ] TLab., “ A Low-cost, Real-Time, and Short-Range Software-Defined Digital Wireless Communications Transceiver Design and Implementation at Baseband,” in Journal of The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Vol. 30, Issue 2, pp. 217-224, 2015.
      Serhan Yarkan, Meryem Cakir, Merve Akin, Haluk Ozgen, Dilara Yıldız. GERCEK-ZAMANLI KISA MESAFELİ VE YAZILIM TABANLI BİR SAYISAL KABLOSUZ HABERLEŞME ALICI-VERİCİ TASARIMININ GERÇEKLEMESİ. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 30(2): 217-224, 2015.
      @article{serhan yarkan 2015gercek,
        author={Serhan Yarkan and Meryem Cakir and Merve Akin and Haluk Ozgen and Dilara Yıldız},
        journal={Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi},
    4. [ JNL2013-Tlab.001 ] Tapir Lab. et al., “Analysis of mobility impact on interference in cognitive radio networks,” Physical Communication vol.9, pp.212-222, 2013.
      Ali Rıza Ekti, Serhan Yarkan, Khalid A. Qaraqe, Erchin Serpedin, Octavia A. Dobre. Analysis of mobility impact on interference in cognitive radio networks. Physical Communication, 9: 212-222, 2013.
      @article{ali rıza ekti 2013analysis,
        title={Analysis of mobility impact on interference in cognitive radio networks},
        author={Ali Rıza Ekti and Serhan Yarkan and Khalid A. Qaraqe and Erchin Serpedin and Octavia A. Dobre},
        journal={Physical Communication},
    5. [ JNL2012-Tlab.002 ] Tapir Lab. et al., “An Online Adaptive Cooperation Scheme for Spectrum Sensing Based on a Second-Order Statistical Method,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 2012 vol.61 num.2 pp.675-686.
      Serhan Yarkan, Behçet Uğur Toreyin, Khalid A. Qaraqe, Ahmet Enis Cetin. An Online Adaptive Cooperation Scheme for Spectrum Sensing Based on a Second-Order Statistical Method. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 61(2): 675-686, 2012.
      @article{serhan yarkan 2012online,
        title={An Online Adaptive Cooperation Scheme for Spectrum Sensing Based on a Second-Order Statistical Method},
        author={Serhan Yarkan and Behçet Uğur Toreyin and Khalid A. Qaraqe and Ahmet Enis Cetin},
        journal={IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology},
    6. [ JNL2012-Tlab.001 ] Tapir Lab. et al., “Analysis and Characterization of the Impact of Frequency-Selective Interference on Reporting Period for Next-Generation Wireless Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 2012 vol.61 num.8.
      Serhan Yarkan, Khalid A. Qaraqe. Analysis and Characterization of the Impact of Frequency-Selective Interference on Reporting Period for Next-Generation Wireless Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 61(8): 3813-3819, 2012.
      @article{serhan yarkan 2012analysis,
        title={Analysis and Characterization of the Impact of Frequency-Selective Interference on Reporting Period for Next-Generation Wireless Networks},
        author={Serhan Yarkan and Khalid A. Qaraqe},
        journal={IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology},
    7. [ JNL2010-Tlab.001 ] TLab. et al., “Interference aware vertical handoff decision algorithm for quality of service support in wireless heterogeneous network,” Computer Networks. vol.54, num.5, pp.726-740, 2010.
      Celal Çeken, Serhan Yarkan, Hüseyin Arslan. Interference aware vertical handoff decision algorithm for quality of service support in wireless heterogeneous networks. Computer Networks, 54(5): 726-740, 2010.
      @article{celal Çeken 2010interference,
        title={Interference aware vertical handoff decision algorithm for quality of service support in wireless heterogeneous networks},
        author={Celal Çeken and Serhan Yarkan and Hüseyin Arslan},
        journal={Computer Networks},


    1. [ CNF2017-Tlab.001 ] A. R. Ekti et al., “ Statistical Modeling of Propagation Channels for Terahertz Band,” in Proc. IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications & Networking (IEEE CSCN ’17), September 18-21, 2017, Helsinki, Finland.
      Ali Rıza Ekti, Ali Boyaci, Altan Alparslan, Ilhami Unal, Serhan Yarkan, Ali Görçin, Hüseyin Arslan, Murat Uysal. Statistical modeling of propagation channels for Terahertz band. 2017 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN), pages 275-280, 2017.
      @inproceedings{ali rıza ekti 2017statistical,
        title={Statistical modeling of propagation channels for Terahertz band},
        author={Ali Rıza Ekti and Ali Boyaci and Altan Alparslan and Ilhami Unal and Serhan Yarkan and Ali Görçin and Hüseyin Arslan and Murat Uysal},
        booktitle={2017 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN)},
    2. [ CNF2016-Tlab.002 ] O. Alaca et al., “ A Low-cost, High–precision Signal Generation Algorithm and Prototype Implementation for Software-Defined Radios,” in Proc. The 9th National Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, (ELECO ’16), December 01-03, 2016, Bursa, Turkey. [ First slide of the presentation ]
      Ozgur Alaca, Ali Boyaci, Serhan Yarkan. A low-cost high-precision signal generation algorithm and prototype implementation for software-defined radios. 2016 National Conference on Electrical Electronics and Biomedical Engineering (ELECO), pages 641-645, Dec, 2016.
      @inproceedings{ozgur alaca 2016low,
        title={A low-cost high-precision signal generation algorithm and prototype implementation for software-defined radios},
        author={Ozgur Alaca and Ali Boyaci and Serhan Yarkan},
        booktitle={2016 National Conference on Electrical Electronics and Biomedical Engineering (ELECO)},
    3. [ CNF2016-Tlab.001 ] S. C. Tokgoz et al., “ A Secure Communications Prototype Implementation for PSTNs operating on Physical Layer,” in Proc. The 9th National Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, (ELECO ’16), December 01-03, 2016, Bursa, Turkey.
      Sezer Can Tokgoz, Ali Boyaci, Serhan Yarkan. A secure communications prototype implementation for PSTNs operating on physical layer. 2016 National Conference on Electrical Electronics and Biomedical Engineering (ELECO), pages 599-603, Dec, 2016.
      @inproceedings{sezer can tokgoz 2016secure,
        title={A secure communications prototype implementation for PSTNs operating on physical layer},
        author={Sezer Can Tokgoz and Ali Boyaci and Serhan Yarkan},
        booktitle={2016 National Conference on Electrical Electronics and Biomedical Engineering (ELECO)},
    4. [ CNF2015-Tlab.004 ] A. Boyacı et al., “ On Error Variance for Autoregressive Process-Based Spectrum Occupancy Prediction with Energy Detector for Cognitive Networks,” in Proc. IEEE 11th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC ’15), August 24-27, 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
      Ali Boyaci, Fatma Nur Aki, Serhan Yarkan. On error variance for autoregressive process-based spectrum occupancy prediction with energy detector for cognitive networks. 2015 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), pages 868-873, Aug, 2015.
      @inproceedings{ali boyaci 2015error,
        title={On error variance for autoregressive process-based spectrum occupancy prediction with energy detector for cognitive networks},
        author={Ali Boyaci and Fatma Nur Aki and Serhan Yarkan},
        booktitle={2015 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC)},
    5. [ CNF2015-Tlab.003 ] A. Boyacı et al., “ Fractional–Rate Radiometer for Spectrum Sensing Based on I/Q Branch Separation,” in Proc. IEEE 23rd. Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, May 16-19, 2015, Malatya, Turkey.
      Ali Boyaci, Serhan Yarkan, Ahmet Coskun Sonmez. Fractional-rate radiometer for spectrum sensing based on I/Q branch separation. 2015 23nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), pages 1350-1353, May, 2015.
      @inproceedings{ali boyaci 2015fractional,
        title={Fractional-rate radiometer for spectrum sensing based on I/Q branch separation},
        author={Ali Boyaci and Serhan Yarkan and Ahmet Coskun Sonmez},
        booktitle={2015 23nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)},
    6. [ CNF2015-Tlab.002 ] F. N. Akı et al., “ High–Resolution Multi–band Spectrum Occupancy Measurements and Evaluations at 900MHz Downlink Band for Istanbul Metropolitan,” in Proc. IEEE 23rd. Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, May 16-19, 2015, Malatya, Turkey.
      Fatma Nur Aki, Ali Boyaci, Serhan Yarkan. High-resolution multi-band spectrum occupancy measurements and evaluations at 900MHz downlink band for Istanbul metropolitan. 2015 23nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), pages 1639-1642, May, 2015.
      @inproceedings{fatma nur aki 2015high,
        title={High-resolution multi-band spectrum occupancy measurements and evaluations at 900MHz downlink band for Istanbul metropolitan},
        author={Fatma Nur Aki and Ali Boyaci and Serhan Yarkan},
        booktitle={2015 23nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)},
    7. [ CNF2015-Tlab.001 ] A. Boyacı et al., “EV2C: Extended Vehicle-to-Cloud Model and Conceptual Implementation for Big Data” presented in IEEE Sixth International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO’15), May 27–29, 2015, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
    8. [ CNF2013-Tlab.002 ] Tapir Lab. and Ali Boyacı et al., “Towards green and secure vehicle-to-vehicle communications: A protocol for establishing the network,” 2013 7th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies 2013, pp.1-4.
      Ali Boyacı, Erdinç Öztürk, Serhan Yarkan, Abdül Halim Zaim. Towards green and secure vehicle-to-vehicle communications: A protocol for establishing the network. 2013 7th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies, pages 1-4, 2013.
      @inproceedings{ali boyacı 2013towards,
        title={Towards green and secure vehicle-to-vehicle communications: A protocol for establishing the network},
        author={Ali Boyacı and Erdinç Öztürk and Serhan Yarkan and Abdül Halim Zaim},
        booktitle={2013 7th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies},
    9. [ CNF2013-Tlab.001 ] Tapir Lab. and Ali Boyacı et al., “Identification of shadowed fast fading interference in celullar mobile radio systems,” 2013 21st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU) 2013, pp.1-4.
      Ali Boyacı, Serhan Yarkan, Abdül Halim Zaim. Identification of shadowed fast fading interference in celullar mobile radio systems. 2013 21st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), pages 1-4, 2013.
      @inproceedings{ali boyacı 2013identification,
        title={Identification of shadowed fast fading interference in celullar mobile radio systems},
        author={Ali Boyacı and Serhan Yarkan and Abdül Halim Zaim},
        booktitle={2013 21st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)},
    10. [ CNF2012-Tlab.002 ] Tapir Lab. et al., “Effects of mobility on uplink interference for short-range cognitive radio networks,” 2012 IEEE 13th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) 2012 pp.129-133.
      Ali Riza Ekti, Serhan Yarkan, Khalid A. Qaraqe, Erchin Serpedin. Effects of mobility on uplink interference for short-range cognitive radio networks. 2012 IEEE 13th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), pages 129-133, 2012.
      @inproceedings{ali riza ekti 2012effects,
        title={Effects of mobility on uplink interference for short-range cognitive radio networks},
        author={Ali Riza Ekti and Serhan Yarkan and Khalid A. Qaraqe and Erchin Serpedin},
        booktitle={2012 IEEE 13th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC)},
    11. [ CNF2012-Tlab.001 ] Tapir Lab. et al., “An experimental setup for performance evaluation of spectrum sensing via energy detector: indoor environment,” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cognitive Radio and Advanced Spectrum Management pp.5, 2011 no.42.
      Serhan Yarkan, Wael Halbawi, Khalid A. Qaraqe. An Experimental Setup for Performance Evaluation of Spectrum Sensing via Energy Detector: Indoor Environment. {Proceedings, New York NY USA, 2011. Association for Computing Machinery.
      @inproceedings{serhan yarkan 2011experimental,
        title={An Experimental Setup for Performance Evaluation of Spectrum Sensing via Energy Detector: Indoor Environment},
        author={Serhan Yarkan and Wael Halbawi and Khalid A. Qaraqe},
        series={CogART '11},
        publisher={Association for Computing Machinery},
        address={New York NY USA}
    12. [ CNF2011-Tlab.004 ] Tapir Lab. et al., “On the Evolution of Interference in Time for Cellular Mobile Radio Networks,” 2011 Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN) 2011, pp.1-6.
      Ali Riza Ekti, Serhan Yarkan, Khalid A. Qaraqe, Erchin Serpedin. On the Evolution of Interference in Time for Cellular Mobile Radio Networks. 2011 Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), pages 1-6, 2011.
      @inproceedings{ali riza ekti 2011evolution,
        title={On the Evolution of Interference in Time for Cellular Mobile Radio Networks},
        author={Ali Riza Ekti and Serhan Yarkan and Khalid A. Qaraqe and Erchin Serpedin},
        booktitle={2011 Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN)},
    13. [ CNF2011-Tlab.003 ] Tapir Lab. et al., “On the statistics of sub carrier collisions for cell edge users and air interface capacity in OFDMA systems,” ISSCS 2011 – International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems 2011, pp.1-4.
      Sabit Ekin, Serhan Yarkan, Khalid A. Qaraqe, Erchin Serpedin. On the statistics of sub-carrier collisions for cell-edge users and air interface capacity in OFDMA systems. ISSCS 2011 - International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, pages 1-4, 2011.
      @inproceedings{sabit ekin 2011statistics,
        title={On the statistics of sub-carrier collisions for cell-edge users and air interface capacity in OFDMA systems},
        author={Sabit Ekin and Serhan Yarkan and Khalid A. Qaraqe and Erchin Serpedin},
        booktitle={ISSCS 2011 - International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems},
    14. [ CNF2011-Tlab.002 ] Tapir Lab. et al., “An experimental validation of an online adaptive cooperation scheme for spectrum sensing,” 2011 18th International Conference on Telecommunications 2011 pp.226-231.
      Serhan Yarkan, Behçey Uğur Töreyin, Khalid A. Qaraqe, Ahmet Enis Çetin. An experimental validation of an online adaptive cooperation scheme for spectrum sensing. 2011 18th International Conference on Telecommunications, pages 226-231, 2011.
      @inproceedings{serhan yarkan 2011experimental,
        title={An experimental validation of an online adaptive cooperation scheme for spectrum sensing},
        author={Serhan Yarkan and Behçey Uğur Töreyin and Khalid A. Qaraqe and Ahmet Enis Çetin},
        booktitle={2011 18th International Conference on Telecommunications},
    15. [ CNF2011-Tlab.001 ] Tapir Lab. et al., “Adaptive Decision Fusion based cooperative spectrum sensing for Cognitive Radio systems,” 2011 IEEE 19th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU) 2011, pp.1173-1176.
      Behçet Uğur Töreyin, Serhan Yarkan, Khalid A. Qaraqe, Ahmet Enis Çetin. Adaptive Decision Fusion based cooperative spectrum sensing for Cognitive Radio systems. 2011 IEEE 19th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), pages 1173-1176, 2011.
      @inproceedings{behçet uğur töreyin 2011adaptive,
        title={Adaptive Decision Fusion based cooperative spectrum sensing for Cognitive Radio systems},
        author={Behçet Uğur Töreyin and Serhan Yarkan and Khalid A. Qaraqe and Ahmet Enis Çetin},
        booktitle={2011 IEEE 19th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)},
    16. [ CNF2010-Tlab.001 ] TLab. et al., “A second-order statistical method for spectrum sensing in correlated shadowing and fading environments,” 21st Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications 2010, pp.780-785.
      Khalid A. Qaraqe, Serhan Yarkan. A second-order statistical method for spectrum sensing in correlated shadowing and fading environments. 21st Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, pages 780-785, 2010.
      @inproceedings{khalid a. qaraqe 2010second,
        title={A second-order statistical method for spectrum sensing in correlated shadowing and fading environments},
        author={Khalid A. Qaraqe and Serhan Yarkan},
        booktitle={21st Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications},
    17. [ CNF2007-Tlab.001 ] Tapir Lab. et al., “Statistical wireless channel propagation characteristics in underground mines at 900MHz: A comparative analysis with indoor channels,” MILCOM 2007 – IEEE Military Communications Conference 2007, pp. 1-7.
      Serhan Yarkan, Hüseyin Arslan. Statistical Wireless Channel Propagation Characteristics in Underground Mines at 900MHz. MILCOM 2007 - IEEE Military Communications Conference, pages 1-7, 2007.
      @inproceedings{serhan yarkan 2007statistical,
        title={Statistical Wireless Channel Propagation Characteristics in Underground Mines at 900MHz},
        author={Serhan Yarkan and Hüseyin Arslan},
        booktitle={MILCOM 2007 - IEEE Military Communications Conference},