Remote Control of Small-Scale Mechanical Devices via Acoustic Energy
Project Tag
- Project Code: YAPKO 2015-02-002
- Project Start Date: 16 April 2015
- Project Due Date: 16 September 2016
This project aims to develop and implement a digital wireless acoustic communications system protocol in order to remotely control a small-scale electro-mechanical device. The wireless transceivers along with the protocol to be developed itself all will be implemented on an embedded system. After implementing the transceivers which will operate according to the protocol to be designed, the embedded system will be integrated with the small-scale electro-mechanical device so that it could be remotely controlled via acoustic energy.
Application for the patent of the algorithm ( A Novel Non-DDs Waveform Generation Technique ) which was developed for the IOTA project has been sent to the Department of Techology Tranfer Office (TTO) of Istanbul Commerce University.
- [CNF2015-Tlab.002] F. N. Akı et al., “High–Resolution Multi–band Spectrum Occupancy Measurements and Evaluations at 900MHz Downlink Band for Istanbul Metropolitan,” in Proc. IEEE 23rd. Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, May 16-19, 2015, Malatya, Turkey.
- [CNF2015-Tlab.003] A. Boyacı et al., “Fractional–Rate Radiometer for Spectrum Sensing Based on I/Q Branch Separation,” in Proc. IEEE 23rd. Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, May 16-19, 2015, Malatya, Turkey.
- [CNF2016-Tlab.002] O. Alaca et al., “A Low-cost, High–precision Signal Generation Algorithm and Prototype Implementation for Software-Defined Radios,” in Proc. The 9th National Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, (ELECO ’16), December 01-03, 2016, Bursa, Turkey.